Rylee - 2005


                        3-23-2005, the real birthday for Rylee.

                        Video of Jenny talking to Rylee after birth.

                        4-01-2005, single picture with Grandma Cindy

                        4-23-2005, one month old for Rylee.

                        4-28-2005, one fun day in April.



                         5-28-2005 Rylee and Jennifer visiting

                         5-29-2005 Miscellaneous

                         June 2005 Miscellaneous

                         7-12-2005 1st real baby food

                         7-16-2005 holding her own bottle

                         7-20-2005 visiting Grandma Cindy

7-31-2005 Rylee taking bath                                                
       I love you phone message from Rylee at 6 months old             
2nd half of 2005 (August - December (78 pics))                  

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